ICM Blog Part 2: Investigation Case Management

  For public safety and security agencies, investigative demands and operational complexity are constantly increasing. They need to manage complex investigative processes and meet the rising public expectations to ensure the best investigative outcomes. SAP Investigative Case Management for public sector facilitates processes across the public sector. The software empowers the users to remain informed…

DalRae Solutions SAP Application Keeps Workers Safe Using Artificial Intelligence

DalRae Solutions is proud to announce our first listing for the SAP Store, the Compliance Documentation Application developed for CITIC Pacific Mining is live. The Compliance Documentation Application provides a simple, fast and convenient solution for employees providing documents such as licenses and certificates as evidence for compliance and safety. The application is integrated with…

computer code

ICM Explainer Series

Over the past few years, SAP Investigative Case Management (ICM) has become a prominent solution in multiple Australian Industries. Law Enforcement, Border Protection, Correctional Services, Defence & Public Safety services have been implementing ICM into their online programs. ICM is an SAP solution designed for organisations to conduct various types of investigations and case management…